E3 is just around the corner, if by corner I mean the weekend... anyway here is a list of my top10 most wanted and some thing I just want to see;
10. Uncharted 2

Not a huge uncharted fan, never even played the first game, but this does look like its going to be a cracker, and given how highly regarded the original was, it will be intresting to see what is shown at E3.
9. Fallout 3: DLC

Bethesda have already annouced that they will be making 2 more DLC packs for now all systems, but the PC & 360's versions will be out in a few months. The 2nd of which will take place on an alien space ship... Fallout 3 in my mind is one of the best games of the last few years and I can't wait to see what these two new DLC packs are about.
8. Bioshock 2

From the screen shots and some of the ingame action, this looks like its going to be pretty insane and with it being out later this year I'm hoping for some pretty big anouncements out of E3.
7. Gran Turismo 5

I'm hoping its not wishful thinking but I do want this game to come out now, I mean GT5p is nice and all, but its just a demo!!!
6. Aliens: Colonial Marines

From the sounds of it this game is going to be off the charts, and with AvP coming arround the same time, it will be intersting to see what they have to offer that AvP cant.
5. Rage

Not due out this year and id have stated that it wont be playable at E3, for me that dosn't matter as I can't play it anyway.. but it would be nice to see some actual gameplay footage or at least some screen shots showings us what we can expect from the guys who brought us two of the best FPS's in the history of gaming.
4. Mass Effect 2

This one game could perswade me to buy a 360, as the PC port of the original game was so terrible. But looking at the game and from some of the leaked details it sounds and looks like it would be well worth the investment.
3. Modern Warfare 2

Faviorite for GOTY09, this is already looking pretty damn cool. From some of the ingame shots and footage, I can't wait to have it all peiced together for 2007's GOTY.
2. Half Life 2: Episode 3

Arguably one of the greatest franchiese in gaming history and with every itteration getting closer and closer to perfection, could Ep3 see the adition of the portal gun? I've been looking forward to this game the second I finished Ep2, although I would be willing to wait till the middle/end of last year if the portal gun is included.
1. Kojima's Next Metal Gear

I'm an MGS fanboy and as such was pissed when the teaser site countdown ended with, ANOTHER countdown... but with the latest issue of famicon magazine leaked and the teaser sites updates of what looks like Big Boss and Raiden(in the mag not on the site) a new Metal Gear is just what I want, given that IMO MGS4 was almost the perfect game and as such one of the best games ever made (IMO) so it will be interesting to see what Kojima has planned... that little trickster